Friday, January 07, 2005

The Worlds

The World and you

Ah the World, again with its follies, again with its wanting, again with its not wanting, how fickle, and how not fickle it can be. This is the world, this is you, and yet this is not you. You talk about the world as if it is not you, nor your own reflections. You complain about the seemingly un-endless wars, the seemingly decaying decadence you see around you. Yet, you take or walk not one step towards it to heal it, to bless it, to educate it to love and understand its essence. You run away from it, you condemn it, and then expect the Lord AlMighty to do your dirty work. This is your world, you live in it, you procreate in it, you bear little picture images of you in it, and then, you flee from it. Where do you want to go, and how does going somewhere away from it, change your perspective of you? It will not change until you change, as aforementioned in the Qur’aanulQariim, that Allaah Tabaraka Ta`Ala, will Not Change the person, nor the nation, until that nation, or the person changes him or herself. How can we propagate the Truth, when the Truth that is starring in front of you is ill, or is silenced? Or being murdered by your own hands? How can you sit there in front of your television and watch the brutalities of the wars of a bigger fish eating a school of plankton in an ocean undivided and an abyss deep unchartered? How can you, sit, and then condemn, and then talk about politics, and then eat and be merry when a part of you is crying out for help, to be healed, to be nourished to be loved, and to be acknowledge?

Alike a painting, you take the vermillion out, you replace it with black, blanking out the whole canvas with bloody red, and then with a thought, not seemingly important at the time, you drop a sea of blue and green moss. When it is all dried and ready to be adorned, you noticed, a tiny speck of vermillion at the corner right of the tableau. You realize that this vermillion cannot be completely erased out of your canvas, because without it, the tableau d’art would not have been completed with an air of serenity, nor would it have been sold, to the highest bidder. Yet, you, the artist, do not realize this speck because in your mind, or your empty heart, you feel not the thirst of the inks; you see not the movements of the brushes or the scalpel yet you proclaim yourself an artist because you have been to schools of great importance somewhere in a city, too expensive to live by day or night.

So how can one know what is what? First and foremost, one needs to de-condition oneself. I keep saying this to the humans but they cannot understand these words. They ask me in turn “Aren’t you yourself human?” As if the most daunting and complex being AainaalyaA is that the issue is she. No.

The issue we’re addressing here is you. You who are completely enamored with yourself, selves, surrounding, egos, desires for a better world, "this" and "that". You cannot heal the madness of the world, if you cannot heal the madness that is you first, and foremost. We must treat the patient, before the patient now, who would have been healed, becomes the Doctor or a doctor’s nurse, to heal the madness that is rampant in the World, the world itself. Before we indulge in the healing process, you must in a way, make your selves see, that you are the one, who is ill. Ravaged and beset with madness, which you are, for do you see Absolute Reality? No, for you are as busy as the bees rushing to be painted on another tableau, from one end of the horizon to the other seeking more pleasures for the body, and soul apparently not, and now, comes to the conclusion, that life is complete, when one has attained wealth, health, and children, not to mention all the extra curricular activities behind the closets. This is not life, as it should be lived.

For in due respect to humans with intelligence, you, would have in your reasoning and rationalities, have an inclination of what is correct and incorrect, as to how to live like a human being, and not as a ravaged savage beast. Beasts, they eat each other, they kill to acquire more territories, and they hunt one another down, until only the strongest by steed is made king. But a human, what is he? Has he all these facilities or characteristics of a murderer? In some cases, the evolution process, does it not strip him of this seemingly savage DNA factor that distinguishes him from the animals in the jungle? It has been propagated in encyclopedias that the human is endowed with Intelligence, and not just any “man-made” encyclopedias, but those that were “inspired” by Prophets in yonder days.

And then as if its not enough to confront your inner emptiness, and to comfort your empty heart, you sit at the mosques, the churches and synagogues, and pray nonchalantly to a God, you hardly know, and proclaim divinity has put you in charge of ethnic cleansing, to judge a world you yourself have shunned, and you yourself have destroyed. Is this an act of a human being endowed with Intelligence? Is this how a human being in the apparent 21st century behaves? With his own kind? Should a superior species have this inclination to arrogance and behave akin to that of an animal that kills?

So how does one de-condition oneself?

The conditioning process affects ninety percent of all humans in the planetary orbit of the Universe. Out of the reflected mirrors which equate to only a mere 10 percent, the other ninety percent are just lamp-posts or beings unaware of their existence as being living. If you are a lamp-post in the planetary orbit, than the de-conditioning process may take some time before the unconditioned you become void of egos. Subject to the strength of your energy field, you can de-condition you from your selves within a matter of femta seconds, to several years. **To learn more, of the de-conditioning process, I will attempt to, in not so many words post this article in a few moments. Watch out for this, as it is essential to one's growth, both spiritually and physically.

To put it simply, if your life throughout the time you reach this page, to read this information, is telling you, that you are the only one within the hall of mirrors, then you are a value in the ten percent, that you are not affected and that de-conditioning will not do much, except to enhance your abilities to heal. That you were never in any way been affected by the normal conditioning process your parents, or your surroundings have imposed on your energy field.

However, if you have been directed, either by a higher order, or your essence being directed to just go with the flow, then you are in dire need of de-conditioning, if not to heal the world, but to heal yourself from your total annihilation of your species, your family, and your need for sustenance in this world.

Each and every human being, whether conscious or not of its existence is in dire need of a de-conditioning process.

What is a de-conditioning process like?

Imagine yourself on a straight road, leading north, south, east or west, irrespective of the direction, you are on this road. The characteristic of this road that makes it straight is it does not have any bends or corners swerving right or left. Hence you being on this road, will not, in a right frame of mind, imagine taking a right or left turn, since there are no left or right turns on this road. However during this journey, you meet up with a leopard. And this leopard out of nowhere leaps in front of you displaying its prowess and agility that suddenly may have attracted you to either, follow him into the abyss of an imagined right or left, or for fear of being mauled by this leopard whom you cannot know to be a figment of your imagination, as you see it “real” in your eyes, you behave erratically, and run off in any direction that may come to your mind. You see a left, you take that left turn, and hence following suite all other directions like in a merry-go-round.

Is the de-conditioning process fit for a Muslim, Christian, and Jew only?

Should it be that in your religion it says or commands you that all “your kind” will go to Heaven and that all “other kinds” will go to Hell, what good then is your religion? What is Hell, and what is Heaven, if you yourself, cannot fathom your selves. And should you believe in a God that commands you to do good, and yet you out of your own inclination not knowing what is good or otherwise, starts killing for the sake of killing than what is your explanation to having being endowed with Intelligence?

The de-conditioning process is for the humankind to revert back to none save The AlMighty Himself. Knowledge per se, cannot make you a better person, but the undertaking, the experiencing of the knowledge, the living it, makes you a tad closer to your reality. You cannot label yourself being Muslim, Christian, Jew or whatever denomination in the world that is currently available if you, cannot live what is being taught by the WORD. You have to live your label, eat, drink, copulate, and then dive into the oceans of the label itself before you can justifiably call yourself one, Muslim, Christian, or Jew, or even HUMAN. It is not solely reserved for a particular creed, nor a color, nor a face, nor a community. It is for all. Did He who created you not say, that He has Created you for Himself Alone. Yet, you, out of your ignorance, out of not wanting to comprehend, just reading an “A” as “A” without the mere wanting to comprehend that that “A” is more than an “A”, you throw yourself at being judged by your kind, your own insanity of not being able to comprehend your own complexities.

To get out of your madness, sleepiness, and blindness you need the de-conditioning process, irrespective whether you’re a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew. This process need to be undertaken before the World starts to be healed. The Muslim, the Christian, and the Jew must submit to none other but to The AlMighty Alone, the King of all kings, and the Power Absolute for the World to be healed. The arrogant will be destroyed by his own hands, not by the Hands of the AlMighty.

I cannot make you see the glistening of the moon in a bright night, if all you wish to see is the dark night without the presence of the Moon.


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