Friday, January 07, 2005



There is nothing worth noting save The Lord of All The Universe, King of All kings, Master of All masters, Creator of all creators, and the Supreme Truth of Life!

I type not these words in the hope of achieving sainthood nor do I write these words in the hope to mask my believes in something which is incomprehensible, and inexplicable. Many have talked and debated of the one god, the master, the lord, the giver of life, the creator, the philosopher, the doer, and the lover. Yet many books that I have read, yield not the passion, nor the ultimate knowledge in how one can precisely learn to know Him, in all His Glory and Mercy.

No one in this so-called modern age knows in particular, in a practical manner how to reach Him, save the prophet Muhammad ~ Peace Be Upon Him, and the True Disciples of the Truth. The prophet Muhammad ~ Peace Be Upon Him, has mastered and communicated the unwritten word(s) strictly, in a manner, no other human has achieved thus far, to bring mankind from the East to the West, the North and the South, together with the Genies of this world, and that of the worlds beyond, at the same time helping them in opening their hearts in the comprehension of the Lord of All Worlds.

And I’m not talking of the Anti Christ here you know…

Comprehension is naught something everyone can achieve without the mercy of the Lord of All Worlds. When He Wills it, the propitious man is more than favoured. But Life is more than just favouritism.

Life is part the ability to comprehend the simplest task, to the most daunting and complex afflictions. The degree of comprehension, coupled with the intelligence of each man, makes him less an animal in his own right. Yet man is preferred with acumen to differentiate himself from that of his apparently not so endowed acquaintances whom in his view points are incapable of the senses and intelligence to react rationally.

However, Mankind is incapable of comprehension, of loving, of creation, of hating, of moving, and of dying. Mankind is incapable of anything. Without the Will of the Lord of All Worlds, mankind is nothing to note and not worth noting, except for the varying degrees of those who are favoured to distinguish Whom and What is, that makes the sun rise in the east and sets in the west, that commands the waters in the oceans apart to coalesce together, yet stay salty and fresh, to drape the abundant leaves of varying colours and hues in winter, summer, autumn or spring, painting a most comforting scene and how breathing sustains and gives life to the pitiable receptacle which mankind is proud to proclaim of being, the master.

Then what is the purpose of the creation of mankind if not to recognise the will and presence of the Omnipresent, ALLAAH, and to seek knowledge beyond the bountiful duties of the physical plane, the knowledge of the Universe, of himself, and of ALLAAH. Yet even in the revered saints with all their enlightened understanding of life and the Truth, mankind still falters to his nether state, sometimes disallowing the Truth to be unveiled from his aesthetic wants.

What makes a man move if not the Will of the Supreme Being. What makes a man love, if the elements within mankind is not stirred to love, or volumes to be written, symphonies to be enraptured in or a death imparted if not wretchedly plucked or gently extricated to pass through the threshold of life. What is a man, if not for the Supreme Being.

A speck of nothingness is still worth noting. Yet man is proud to proclaim he is the master of his achievements, that his immortality is based on his works, his hardiness, his composition, his speeches, his this and that, his mummified carcass befitting only for the worms in the ground, or the ashes that fill the already populated oceans.

Does he not, the created master relish in himself, to understand what makes the cells in his body grow, and what makes his hair turn to grey when he reaches a certain age. Can he not control the perspiration from escaping through the pores of his skin and yet will the waters in the pool to inflate and drown him via the same notches perfectly spaced and sized. Does he not revel in himself, and try to grasp the understanding of what makes him “tick”, or even comprehend What or Whom gave him the ability of sight, touch and the intelligence to create and profit from. Oh, is he too proud then to proclaim there is indeed a being far superior to himself? Or, is he too proud to admit that he is anything if not nothing, not even a crumb worth noting.

Or is it fear? What does he fear then, this modern man who lives in his intelligent buildings, driving in vogue automobiles, changing spouses like changing seasonal clothes just because newer ones are better and fresher. Or does he fear the Full Stop. When his body stops functioning, when his organs would have started deteriorating within himself. Can he not stop it and command the failed vital parts to heal and renew themselves in health like that of a new born babe?

Can he not demand the world and be kings instead of paupers, can he not usher the clouds to rain and will the insulted planet to a revival renaissance? Can he not just do that since he is too proud to proclaim there is far, beyond his comprehension a being superior and far more invincible than himself.

Can he not dig the earth for treasures without killing or can he not stop from wanting more than what is presumably his right? Then again, should we ponder upon this, what then are mankind’s rights? The question comes to mind of the role of The Supreme Master - is He then both Black and White? It is not His Role(s) that we are here to determine but that of our borrowed roles. We are just mere envelopes, the letters, scented or otherwise, are the compound that intensifies the position one is in.

Yet he falls again. Fall? How can mankind fall you ask? I laugh at questions like these when prompted by believers of this world. I laugh not because there is a lack of comprehension on my part, nor an abundance of it. I laugh because it is truly sad to see, how the insuperable man is impotent in his reasoning of his so-proclaimed existence and immortality.

These are the answers to the question that has been re-playing like a broken record in your mind, the nightmares that have been etching its way into your veins, coupling with your vital fluid of life, the coloured oil that lubricates and seemingly giving life to your libertine system. Yet is that what makes you live? Explain then, the role of a healthy human without life.

Yet in all fairness to mankind, as if it is civil to educate him of what is then a simple and matriarch manner of comprehension, then what happens when he falters between the promised word and that of which he profess to be that arriving from his lord.

What and where then, does he stand? And is it all there is to such a short life? One enters the womb of life, then procreates, then dissipates into a nothingness leaving behind a footprint, or an encased shrine and then what? Is life so miserly construed after the passing? What passing if mankind is supreme and mercurial in his workings?

Yes, he is still incapable of comprehension, life, love, death and all the potpourri of movements. Mankind was created for one sole purpose. To seek knowledge of the Truth, and only with the Will of The Supreme Master is he then capable of being enlightened. Mankind is incapable and not worth noting safe in the understanding of the ascendancy of the Lord of All Worlds.

Therefore, refrain from proclaiming anything safe look within ourselves and observe humiliation for you and I are nothing for our lives have ebbed even before we were enunciated into this perfected world. Leave your proclaimed birthrights. You and I do not own anything let alone are capable of appreciating what is granted for the moments we are here., unless we have been bestowed the illustrious cognisance which can be easily taken back as it is easily granted.


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