Friday, January 07, 2005

Sight Stream

There is an interconnection to your existence here, and your connection in death. Your seeming existence in your world, is reflective of a greater design.

Every thing is connected. every word, page, pearls, dna, colour, doodle, thing, animate or otherwise. These things apparent in your worlds are reflective of a greater design, a greater tableau, greater meaning. Each person, animal, flower, brooks, trees, cats living are connected. The arab you see and dislike, the jew you talk to and are enamored with, the vagrant you abhor parting your wealth with and make a mockery of, each and everyone of them reflects your being, sane or insane, each and everyone of them play the eye, smile, ear, heart, that directly or indirectly determine your fall or rise in the oceans of Life.

Life, in reality, is not just a whimsical idea of being born, then procreation, then death, cycle in and out. It is far more complex than that. Life is a process of growth and death as/in the process that determines the successful process of life itself. Breath is a cycle of life, but life in essence itself is not in need of breath to exist, nor a receptacle to prove its existence.


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