Friday, January 07, 2005

Stagnancity Cities

The world events move in a cycle. Look at your life, your self{ves} and see where your recursive point leads to, and you will see how and when your next cycle comes in. You will either continue to live, or live within your sphere, or leave it for another sphere. Events in the world are shaped as thus.

I don't have time in this world of yours'.

The recursive cycle is coming to an END. Yes, its' coming to an end. How you interpret the world events, and the things that happen in your life, coming in again, peeping into your life{ves} is how the Universe works before things zap to "nothing" ness.

I'm living the lives of many entities at the moment, and I cannot afford to continue, if events for them are stagnant. I have to go on, or death as you may term it in your language, creeps in.

It may be a figment of my imagination, but the worlds that I've been shown is not collective of thoughts outside its own sphere. In other words, most worlds that I've been afortuned to meet up with are devoid of the barest necessities, you'd term "light".


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